Stuart Brown, Chair
Office: PAB 2-707B, Knudsen 6-130GStudent Services, Graduate Office
The graduate office is staffed by Brenda Buenrostro. Contact her to find out details about graduate admissions and requirements, fees, financial support, and academic timelines.
Brenda Buenrostro, Graduate Student Affairs
Office: PAB 1-707B
Phone: 310-825-2307
Student Services, Undergraduate Office
The undergraduate advising office is staffed by Mary Tran and Amanda Glover. Contact them for information about undergraduate physics and astronomy majors and requirements, admissions, tuitions and fees, class scheduling, and other resources.
Amanda Glover, Undergraduate Advisor
Office: 1-707D PAB
Phone: 424-259-5064
Mary Tran, Lead Undergraduate Advisor
Office: 1-707A PAB
Phone: 310-206-1447
Academic Personnel
Corinna Koehnenkamp handles the appointments of all faculty, researchers, project scientists, lecturers and visiting faculty, promotional activity, and sabbatical/leave of absence requests.
Corinna Koehnenkamp, Senior Academic Personnel Coordinator
Office: 2-707D PAB
Phone: (310) 825-3559
Staff and Academic Personnel
This unit is managed by Imelda Gonzalez-Perez for all personnel and payroll matters concerning Staff, Academic Students (ASEs, GSRs, Readers & Tutors) and Postdoctoral Scholars. This unit also manages APO payroll.
Imelda Gonzalez, Human Resources Manager
Office: 2-707G
Phone: 310-825-3559
Kay Gutierrez, Lead Human Resources Analyst
Focus: Academic Personnel & Payroll for Postdoctoral Scholars / Back-up and lead for Academic Students Personnel
Office: 2-707F PAB
Phone: 310-825-3088
Randy Guzman, Academic Human Resources Analyst
Focus: Academic Personnel & Payroll for Academic
Students / Back-Up for Postdoctoral Scholars Personnel
Office: 2-707F PAB
Phone: 310-825-3403
Ruth Tesfai, Staff Human Resources Analyst
Focus: Staff Personnel/Payroll and APO Payroll
Office: 2-707H PAB
Phone: 310-825-3010
Postdoc Website: Coming soon
Payroll Website: Coming soon
Computing and IT Support
The Computing and Information Systems group provides computer support and technology solutions for Physics & Astronomy department faculty, students, and
staff. Visit their website as a starting point for questions regarding workstations, software, or other technical concerns. General hours are Monday through
Friday from 8am to 5pm.
To submit a help desk ticket, please login to our user portal or send a detailed
email to
Financial Services
The Financial Services office of the Physics & Astronomy Department is located in 2-707 PAB, suites H through N. Contact information for all Financial Services fund manager is available on their website.
Department Security Administrator (DSA) is Joe Harvey, with Joey De Los Reyes as backup.
Website: Financial ServicesAdministrative Support Group
The Administrative Support Group handles a number of tasks
such as photocopying, exam preparation, course materials,
event posting, purchasing requests, and travel reimbursements.
Please visit their website for more detailed information and
to contact ASG members.
Website: Administrative Support Group.
Division of Physical Sciences Machine Shop
The Division of Physical Sciences Machine Shop and Instrument Fabrication Facility is a well-equipped precision support fabrication facility. Our specialty
is fabrication of complex one-of-a-kind research equipment. Our customer base ranges from UCLA Physical Science Division students and faculty to National
Laboratories and International Consortiums. We have been in operation since the early fifties and currently employ the most experienced, dedicated professionals
in the fabrication field. Contact us via the main Machine Shop website or the Student Machine Shop site.
Machine Shop Website:
Student Machine Shop Website:
Research Store
The Physics & Astronomy Facilities unit, managed by Jules Berger, provides a variety of services to the department, including shipping and receiving, supplies, and keys.
Jules Berger, Facilities Management Operations
Office: Knudsen Hall 1-129
Phone: 310-825-1152
Website: Research Store
Lower Division Labs Repair
Lab TAs may report any problems in the labs with computers or equipment. If you are a student, report any problems directly to your lab TA.