Research Store

The Physics & Astronomy Research Store provides a variety of services to the department. The Research Store is managed by Jules Berger and is located in Knudsen 1-129, phone 310-825-1152.

Hours: Research Store hours are 8:00am-12 noon and 1:00-5:00pm.

Shipping/receiving: Fedex and other delivery services are available from the Research Store. Only department-related shipping is handled here. You will need a recharge ID to initiate your order. Fedex envelopes and small boxes area available, as are packing tape and mailer labels. Fill out your Fedex order request and check with Jules if you have any questions. Package pickup and delivery is at 3:00pm Monday through Friday (no service on holidays or weekends).

Supplies: A selection of office supplies (pens, pencils, paper clips, envelopes, batteries, etc.) are available for office use. You will need a recharge ID.

Keys: Departmental keys are issued to qualified faculty, staff, postdocs, and researchers. Key service is available from 8:30-10:30am and from 3:00-4:30pm.