Robert Finkelstein
Professor Emeritus
Office: PAB 4-742
Phone: 310-825-3635
Educational Background
Ph.D., Harvard, 1941
Research Interest
Prof. Finkelstein has been applying quantum groups to investigate weak deformations of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.
Selected Publications
- "A Knot Model Suggested by the Standard Electroweak Theory," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20, 6487 (2005).
- "Masses and Interaction of q Fermionic Knots," with A.C. Cadavid, Int.J. Mod. Phys. A21, 4269 (2006).
- "The Elementary Particles as Quantum Knots in Electroweak Theory," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A27, 4467 (2007).
- "Knots and Preons," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A24, 2307 (2009).
- "Colored Preons," arXiv: 0901.1687.
- "A Possible SLq(2) Substructure of the Standard Model," arXiv: 0912.3552 v.2.
- "Flavor States of the Knot Model," arXiv: 1011.0764 v.3.
- "Solitonic Models Based on Quantum Groups and the Standard Model," arXiv: 1011.2545 v.1.
- "On the Deformation Parameter in SLq(2) Models of the Elementary Particles," arXiv: 1108.0438 v.1.