Charles Buchanan
Professor Emeritus
High Energy Experiments
Office: Knudsen 4-145N
Phone: 310-825-7466
Educational Background
Ph.D., Stanford, 1966
Research Interest
My research activities focus in three partially overlapping areas.
- Hadronization Studies [the process whereby a color field between a quark and antiquark evolves into mesons and baryons]. The UCLA modeling of this area is advancing
rapidly. It provides the best description of meson and baryon production rates. It is now forming a fundamental phenomenology which is beginning to motivate soft
non-perturbative QCD calculations. We are pursuing development of the path connecting QCD to accurate prediction on several fronts.
- BaBar (SLAC B Factory): Along with Professors Arisaka and Slater, our group is part of the BaBar collaboration. We are participating in the development of the
particle identification system. We will participate in the rare B decay studies. Our group in particular will use the continuum events to study in great detail how
baryon-meson-antibaryon systems are formed using BaBar in order to try to understand baryon production on the same level as meson production.
- APEX Antiproton decay search: We are part of the APEX experiment in the FermiLab antiproton accumulator ring which has raised the limit on the antiproton lifetime
from 100 hours to about 10**6 years. The effort will continue for another 3 years or so.
Selected Publications
a link of selected recent publications.