Professor Emeritus
Experimental Condensed Matter
Office: Knudsen 6-130C
Ph.D., Cornell, 1961
This group's research focus is the experimental application of magnetic resonance, often under extreme conditions, to a variety of problems in condensed matter physics, and development of some of the instrumentation needed to perform the experiments.
These measurements are also often combined with electrical transport and thermal measurements on the samples. Our current focus is in three main areas: (1) The static and dynamic properties of spin density waves and related phases in organic conductors, (2) use of spin echoes to investigate the driven motion of vortices in superconductors, and (3) development of nuclear magnetic resonance instrumentation for use with the highest steady magnetic fields available.
Item 2 involves developing a new method to probe vortex motion in superconductors as well as its application to the basic physics and practical aspects of motion, pinning, and nucleation of vortices. The instrumentation associated with item 3 will be very compact, so that it is readily transported to high magnetic field laboratories at MIT, Los Alamos, Tallahassee, Grenoble, and elsewhere. It will be used for research on items 1, 2, and other topics that may emerge in the near future.